Concrete structures like slabs have gaps (joints) that allow the concrete to expand and contract according to temperature changes. If these joints were absent, the forces of expansion and contraction would cause the concrete to crack. However, these joints can also create their own problems if they are not sealed. This article discusses some reasons why you should seal concrete joints.

Keep Objects Out of the Joint

Water, dirt and ice may easily get into concrete joints if they are not sealed. Such foreign bodies can hinder the performance of the joint thereby leading to premature failing of the concrete. For instance, dirt can accumulate in the joint and prevent the concrete from freely expanding. The result is that it will crack along lines of weakness that form along points that suffer from the greatest stress caused by expansion. Using a concrete sealer prevents this dirt accumulation without stopping the concrete from expanding. This is because the sealer can stretch or contract depending on the movement of the concrete.

Preventing Fluid Leaks

Concrete sealers also serve the role of keeping the content of a concrete structure from leaking out through the joints. For instance, a concrete water tank without joint sealers will leak just as a concrete dam with no sealers will not hold the water in since it will keep leaking through the concrete joints. You should seal the concrete joints in your structure (such as floors) so that you limit the chances of leakage.

Dampen Vibrations

Concrete joint sealing also serves the role of attenuating vibrations in a building. This is because the sealant absorbs some of the energy generated by walking feet on concrete floors. Thus, there will be fewer vibrations felt within your building if you sealed the concrete joints.

Energy Conservation

Heat loss or heat gain can be controlled by sealing the concrete joints in a building. If the joints are not sealed, heat can easily be lost or gained through those gaps in the structure. The result is that it will cost you more to cool the building during hotter months, and you will spend more to heat the building during cold months. Sealing the concrete joints will prevent this energy loss.

Today, concrete joint sealers are available in a huge array of options so you can get decorative concrete joint sealers. This will enable you to enjoy the esthetic as well as the functional benefits in the discussion above.
